WP2: Communication & Dissemination

The objectives of WP2 - Communication and Dissemination - are:

  • to disseminate and mainstream the outputs and outcomes of the project at a national, regional and European level;

  • particularly to focus on encouraging other European universities and research institutions retaining and wanting to fully employ the competencies and capacities of the whole (women and men) research force by the implementation of structural changes in the working environment of academies;

  • establishment of a webpage early in the project and build and develop it as project results are delivered; updating and developing a website content;

  • establishment of a project presentation, design communications and marketing materials/tools;

  • establishing a dialogue with the stakeholder networks, projects’ Consortiums working on the same topic;

  • disseminating project results and reports widely;

  • contributing to the awareness raising in the gender issues by producing major reports and studies on project results for publications; publishing major reports and press releases of ongoing project;

  • organising the International Conference at the end of the project


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